New decades in our lives are a big deal. I remember turning 30. I was excited about it. I thought I could finally apply all that I had learned (or thought I had learned) in my 20s. I was also sad, unemployed with about three weeks left of my severance pay from my previous job (these are the times in our lives that build character right?). I wasn't sure what the next month would hold, let alone my long term future. My friends were all getting married, buying houses in the suburbs. Me: not so much. I was single, rented a cute little place in High Park and lived with my two cats. In some ways I was content, in others I was completely miserable or perhaps a little lost. But big things were around the corner, as they often are when you least expect it.
That day I had gone over to my friend Milton's house in the afternoon. It was a Thursday. Around 3 p.m. we had just made some weird fruity blender drinks (with a lot of rum) and my phone rang. It was a gentleman from a company I had had about 5 interviews with over a 6 month period (seriously!!!!). They wanted to offer me the job. I accepted (more drinks ensued). Happy Birthday to me!
That job was the start of some pretty interesting events, decisions and experiences, some of them life changing. I met some great people who are still in my life. I started to gain a confidence I hadn't had before. Then a year later, that job (and burgeoning confidence) took me to Calgary, an opportunity that dramatically changed my life for the better. More about that on another day.
So here was are, nine years after that 30th birthday. I want to do something that will kick off my 40s with a bang. Something that will cross a few items of "the list". I also want to set some goals that will help me learn and grow. So, I have made a list of 40 things I will do in my 40th year. Some items are a little frivolous. Some are adventurous. Some only I will understand. And hopefully some will make me a better person. Over the next few days I will share portions of the list (in no particular order) and we'll go from there. Thanks for coming along for the ride :). Here are the first 10 (not necessarily the most important 10):
- Write everyday (here, in this blog!)
- Buy a new bicycle. My new house is near such great pathway systems and I would really enjoy getting out more in the nice weather
- Go back to school. I have a plan for this. Stay tuned.
- Run a 5KM run event
- Do at least one random act of kindness every month
- Mail a letter a week. People like getting fun mail
- Read a book a month (I read quickly but often forget to make time to read)
- Take golf lessons. The trees will thank me.
- Plant a veggie garden
- Do a public speaking gig. This has always terrified me a lot although I know I am capable. Time to break out of that comfort zone!
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