I thought its time to rearrange some priorities in my world and at the very least get back into updating this list. My life balance has been getting a little out of whack and I need to fix that. Not that that is a list item though :)
I haven't looked at the list in awhile and was curious to see how I'm doing with it. Turns out I have made some headway. Who knew? See below in pink!
- Write every
dayweek (blog!) Okay, I need to work on this. Not because I said I would but because its something I love to do (writing) and I always feel better after I do. - Buy a new bicycle. Maybe in the Spring
- Go back to school. No news here although I've given it a lot more thought and a smidgen of research.
- Run a
5KM10km run event - Do at least one random act of kindness every month. In January, I did random anonymous cards for people at work - even some people I didn't know well that just told them they were awesome. One lady went around the office telling people she thought she had a stalker and it was creepy. There is also a homeless guy that sits a block away from the office everyday. He always gives everyone a big smile and seems pretty nice. I gave him 5 dollars - I rarely have cash (like three times a year?) so it was nice to have something to give him.
- Mail a letter a week just because. #fail. I haven't done this at all. I haven't even bought stamps
- Read a book a month. This I'm sort of on track for. I seem to read a lot one week then nothing for a few more. Much like writing, its something I feel so good about when I do it, so I should make more time for it.
- Take golf lessons. Hopefully this summer.
- Plant a veggie garden.
Do a public speaking gig.Done!- Visit Napa Valley.
- Go to Vegas. Booked! Might be going twice actually.
- Travel to Ireland.
- Take a trip to Vancouver. Booked! Going in early March
- See Montreal.
- Go to Italy.
- Visit Boston.
- Explore Chicago.
- See San Francisco.
- Take a culinary class.
- Start a wine collection. I've ordered a few batches through my wine club. In about four months I'll start receiving the selections. I guess I should start thinking about that wine fridge.
- Buy a wine fridge.
- Learn more about wine.
- Learn to hang a picture. Properly.
- Find a new volunteer gig. I have one tentatively - although i missed the first meeting because of a headache
- Learn how to put air in my tires
- Learn how to change a tire.
- Hit 25 blood donations (I was at 20 in October). This is on hold. I might be able to squeeze one more in though
- Sing one song by myself in Karaoke.
- Become a mentor in a mentoring program.
- Go for at least one hike in the mountains a month (June-September - I am not crazy).
- Learn Spanish. At least in a basic conversational way.
- Finish my company website (the company I own, not the one I work for).
- Take a public speaking course.
- Make fresh pasta.
- Learn to ride a motorcycle (even a little bit).
- Walk the dogs more often, even Cricket. I'm working on this. Winter makes it tricky.
- Lose 10lbs. I should find my scale.
- Pay off all debt (not including my house and maybe not my car).
- I'm not saying what this one is. Working on this ;)
It's nice to see I've made some progress even when I feel like I'm just getting by everyday.
More to come...