Saturday, February 28, 2015

Back to blogging

I haven't written in awhile. I'd like to say its because I've been galavanting all over the world with Prince Charming, but alas its more like things are crazy at work and outside of work there has been just enough chaos that things have seemed a little overwhelming. I don't write when I'm really overwhelmed - it's like the ultimate writer's block.

I thought its time to rearrange some priorities in my world and at the very least get back into updating this list. My life balance has been getting a little out of whack and I need to fix that. Not that that is a list item though :)

I haven't looked at the list in awhile and was curious to see how I'm doing with it. Turns out I have made some headway. Who knew? See below in pink!

  1. Write everyday week (blog!) Okay, I need to work on this. Not because I said I would but because its something I love to do (writing) and I always feel better after I do.
  2. Buy a new bicycle. Maybe in the Spring
  3. Go back to school. No news here although I've given it a lot more thought and a smidgen of research.
  4. Run a 5KM 10km run event
  5. Do at least one random act of kindness every month. In January, I did random anonymous cards for people at work - even some people I didn't know well that just told them they were awesome. One lady went around the office telling people she thought she had a stalker and it was creepy. There is also a homeless guy that sits a block away from the office everyday. He always gives everyone a big smile and seems pretty nice. I gave him 5 dollars - I rarely have cash (like three times a year?) so it was nice to have something to give him.
  6. Mail a letter a week just because. #fail. I haven't done this at all. I haven't even bought stamps
  7. Read a book a month. This I'm sort of on track for. I seem to read a lot one week then nothing for a few more. Much like writing, its something I feel so good about when I do it, so I should make more time for it.
  8. Take golf lessons. Hopefully this summer.
  9. Plant a veggie garden.
  10. Do a public speaking gig.  Done!
  11. Visit Napa Valley. 
  12. Go to Vegas. Booked! Might be going twice actually.
  13. Travel to Ireland. 
  14. Take a trip to Vancouver. Booked! Going in early March
  15. See Montreal. 
  16. Go to Italy. 
  17. Visit Boston.
  18. Explore Chicago.
  19. See San Francisco.
  20. Take a culinary class.
  21. Start a wine collection. I've ordered a few batches through my wine club. In about four months I'll start receiving the selections. I guess I should start thinking about that wine fridge.
  22. Buy a wine fridge.
  23. Learn more about wine.
  24. Learn to hang a picture. Properly.
  25. Find a new volunteer gig. I have one tentatively - although i missed the first meeting because of a headache
  26. Learn how to put air in my tires
  27. Learn how to change a tire.
  28. Hit 25 blood donations (I was at 20 in October). This is on hold. I might be able to squeeze one more in though
  29. Sing one song by myself in Karaoke.
  30. Become a mentor in a mentoring program.
  31. Go for at least one hike in the mountains a month (June-September - I am not crazy).
  32. Learn Spanish. At least in a basic conversational way.
  33. Finish my company website (the company I own, not the one I work for). 
  34. Take a public speaking course.
  35. Make fresh pasta.
  36. Learn to ride a motorcycle (even a little bit).
  37. Walk the dogs more often, even Cricket. I'm working on this. Winter makes it tricky.
  38. Lose 10lbs. I should find my scale.
  39. Pay off all debt (not including my house and maybe not my car).
  40. I'm not saying what this one is. Working on this ;)
It's nice to see I've made some progress even when I feel like I'm just getting by everyday.

More to come...

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